I gather that nearly all the links to pictures, trees and drawings etc are broken. I will do my best to restore them but it looks like each one needs put back individually so it is going to take quite some time. If you see a label which is wrong please let me know- often I am working from a page which shows me small images.
Given that I have a full-time job, please be patient with. If there is something you are particularly keen to see asap send an email to let me know!
Most of those for the page about Charles Douglas and Jean Ann Clark’s descendants have now been added 6/9/23.
The three Bennett Family Trees have been added to that page.
I think all the images for the Baxter, Dow and Dinning page are back in place.
Charles Douglas the tailor’s children images added to page 7/9/23.
Charlie Douglas (grandad) page images are now back but I get the impression that some texts are out of place and I think I need to revise the page.
Dad and Uncle Bill’s page is now updated but if my cousins would like more added about their parents I am happy to do so.
Elizabeth Douglas and the Gloag page has been updated 9/9/23.
I have put the pictures back on the page about emigrants to Canada [mostly McRobbies] but I know there is another page to do.
I have been working away to put the pictures back for the Gibson, Browns and Smyths page [Northern Ireland- Mum’s side]. It is remarkable how some items just vanish and cannot be relocated! 16/9/23.
I think I have the Hanlon page all sorted out now for missing images. 19/9/23.
Pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 now have had most images restored. I have also labelled each page by number as well as subject title to help you navigate in chronological order.
I have been adding images to the page about William Douglas the blacksmith and his family. Isn’t it funny how some things can just vanish into the ether? I can’t find the photo of Buffalo Bill and Sitting Bull, amongst other things.